Monday, November 25, 2019

60 Compelling Argumentative Essay Topics

60 Compelling Argumentative Essay Topics Everyone likes to argue- whether they like to admit it or not. But when it comes to the time when its actually appropriate to take a side and passionately defend it (an argumentative essay in your writing class), you might be finding it difficult to think of what to argue. An effective argumentative essay will have the reader questioning what they think about a topic and maybe even potentially change their minds. A really effective argumentative essay might also make the reader angry because theyre broaching topics that can be deeply personal to many.Whatever kind of argument you choose to write about, always be sure to back up your claims with good research and facts. Though you can definitely have an opinion in this essay, your argument will always be more credible with facts than just by going on how you feel. Facts, in the end, will always win out against how people are feeling at a particular moment.When you find yourself getting stuck on what to write, take a look at these idea s for argumentative essays for some inspiration for your paper, or to expand on these ideas and create your own topic.What makes a good essay topic?Though you may know what format, style guide, and whether or not the essay should be double spaced, you may be confused on what actually makes a good essay topic. While it may be easier to write an essay on something that is easy to agree on (like the fact that George Clooney is a very handsome man), theres just really not a lot of interest in the topic because this is something everyone already knows to be true. What were looking for in an argumentative essay topic is something that might expand peoples minds and allow them to look at a topic in a new light. The idea isnt necessarily to convince them of your side (though of course that would be ideal!), but is really just to get them to expand their mind just enough that theyre starting to think about things from another perspective.Youd be surprised at what years of social and cultural influences, education, and just plain stubbornness can do to make a person adamant that their side and opinion is right. Argumentative essay topics are so important because they are debatable- and its crucial to always be critically thinking about the world around us. Why do we do things a certain way? Is it because its right or is it because this is what weve always known? To constantly be questioning and arguing and thinking is really the true sign of learning. As we start to think about that idea, here are a few ideas to get you started on your own essay.Education essay topicsEducation is a topic that definitely affects each and every one of us. Education scholars are constantly evolving the way they think about how we learn and what is taught. So while these ten ideas are enough to get you started thinking about education and its role in society, the essay topics are really endless.How do you feel about the Common Core State Standards? Do you feel it hurts or helps K-12 student s?Should we ban vending machines in schools?Should charter schools replace the public school system that we know now?Do you believe that the decades since Brown v. Board of education have actually brought equality in education?How does the poverty of a childs parents affect their education?Many policy makers are pushing STEM education. Why is this?How does gender affect education?Do traditional discipline methods really work on students?Why do other countries measure ahead of the U.S. in education?Does homeschooling disadvantage students?Parenting essay topicsHow we are raised and who raises us can really have a huge effect on the culture and society as a whole. Nearly everyone has an opinion on how children should be raised, but which one is right? Is there a right answer? How do politics affect how we raise our children? These are the kinds of things you will be exploring when you write a parenting argumentative essay.Should men receive paternity leave?Why do we have obstacles in the United States for women to receive paid maternity leave?How can we get childcare costs down in the United States?What is the best kind of parenting style?What are some parenting lessons that American parents can learn from other cultures?How does successful parenting affect literacy skills?How do overprotective parents affect childrens lives?Should parents be allowed to spank their children?Is breastfeeding in public acceptable?How can children get additional support in a single parent household?Womens issues topicsWomen have only had the right to vote in the United States since 1920. With less than 100 years of suffrage, women have certainly accomplished a lot when it comes to equality. However, according to many scholars and activists there is still a long way to go. With a subject thats sure to ignite some passion, there are endless topics to write about, but here are a few that we suggest.Should abortion be legal?Should religious institutions have to provide birth control me thods for their female employees, even if it goes against their religion?Should the morning after pill be legal?Women statistically do not make as much money doing the same work as their male counterpart. How do you feel about this?Many say that legal prostitution is a womens rights issue. How do you feel about this?Should women have to sign up for the draft?What are the biggest challenges for women in the workplace?How long should women have for maternity leave?What are some of the biggest challenges for female politicians?Why do you think Equal Rights Amendments for women failed? Do you think one such law could ever pass in your lifetime?Legal essay topicsThere are many things to argue when it comes to the law. Law is constantly evolving with the ever-changing culture at large. Because of this, many disagree on how the laws should change (if they should change at all) and there are many topics to choose from. Here are a few of our picks.Should there be a federal law that allows ma rijuana to be legal?Should a person have the right to choose when they die?At what age should you legally be allowed to drink?Would you support harsher punishments for athletes who use performance-enhancing drugs?Is it an infringement on religious rights to have business owners provide services for LGBTQ weddings if they dont agree with the marriage?Should religious institutions be allowed tax exemptions?Do you believe the death penalty is justified?Should a prisoner be granted the right to vote after they have served their sentence?How do you feel about more federally restrictive gun laws and universal background checks?Should citizens who entered the country illegally be forced to leave? What about their children who were brought here?Technology essay topicsOur country and our world is extremely dependent on advanced technology. Its completely changed the way we work, think, and communicate with each other. Many people are huge fans of new gadgets and rapidly advancing technology, but others are ore wary of it. There are always a wide range of opinions on the subject of technology, and here are our favorite things to think about on the topic.Is an increased dependence on technology making us dumber?Should students be allowed to use smart phones in school?How do smart phones and tablets affect growth and development in children?Do you think technology has decreased or increased our communication with each other?Is print media dead?Do comment sections on social media and news sites actually promote good discourse?Technology has made a lot of manual labor obsolete. How do you feel about this?What should blue collar workers do when their job has replaced them with better technology? How should policy makers respond?Has online dating killed traditional ideas about romance and marriage?Do you believe that the government should enforce net neutrality principles on internet service providers?Society and culture essay topicsThere are always things we wish would chang e about the society that we live in. Nothing is ever perfect, but we all still strive to make where we live to be the best it can be. The problem is that everyones interpretation of what makes a good society is different. Some people live their lives according to their religion while others dont think you should factor that into decision making when it comes to determining rules for everyone.Should sex education be required for all public schools?How do you feel about the Black Lives Matter movement?Do you think that affirmative action is still necessary?Should you be forced to say the pledge of allegiance at school?Should it be illegal to burn the American flag?How do you feel about groups like Westboro Baptist Church who are known to say hate speech being able to protest?Do you think collegiate athletes should be paid?Can committers of sex crimes be rehabilitated?Do you think the Electoral College should go away?Should the United States have one official language?Write about what you are passionateWhen it comes to writing an argumentative essay, the most important thing to do is to choose a topic and an argument that you can really get behind. Not only will this make the writing a whole lot better, but it will also keep you more focused when you are researching and writing. Though its unlikely youre going to have fiery passion about every subject you write on, pick the topic and side that most suits you. No reader wants to read a lukewarm argumentative piece. The reader wants to be persuaded and provoked. This wont happen if it appears you are disinterested in what youre writing about.If youve read through this list and youre still not finding a topic that fits what you are interested in, be sure to ask your instructor or a librarian for help with researching and writing an argumentative essay. Of course, if you have written an essay and youre not sure that its going in the right direction, seek out the guidance of classmates or other writers or get professi onal help from an editor.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International Insurance Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

International Insurance Law - Assignment Example The fundamentals of insurance law make it applicable to various streams of operations. In the English laws, varied applications of insurance law are considered under the Insurance Act 2015. Section 14(1) of this Act defines insurance law in terms that â€Å"Any rule of law permitting a party to a contract of insurance to avoid the contract on the ground that the utmost good faith has not been observed by the other party is abolished†. Considerably, in this context, it is worth mentioning that the insurance law applicable under the mentioned Act has evolved with time and has been changed as deemed appropriate to the current legislative contexts, having an impact on insurance contracts. In its recent changes, the law commission has been concerned with the applicability of the Act, which now ranges to a more diversified platform of insurance and reinsurance contracts. These reforms have been most visible in relation to the ‘test of materiality of non-disclosure and misrepre sentation’, ‘the way of performance of the duty of good faith’, and ‘the remedies assured in compensation to the breach of the duty of good faith’. These changes have further been speculated to impose significant impacts on the industry operations, ranging to various sectors. Besides imposing effects on the common law approaches, the changes and reforms made in Insurance Act 2015 are also asserted to deliver special focus on Marine Insurance Act (MIA 1906) norms with regard to the stated dimensions.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Future Trends of Health Care Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Future Trends of Health Care Finance - Essay Example There is an imbalance of the number of people who demand health care, the price they pay and are willing to pay for it in the future, and the number of health care providers who supply the services demanded. This imbalance creates pressures on health care finance. More and more people, including our government and the businesses that cover health care costs of these people, would not be willing to pay an ever-increasing amount to finance health care. Premiums will not be allowed to increase indefinitely, because it is becoming unsustainable for the government to allow it, leading to cut backs in coverage. Many countries experimenting with different schemes are finding it difficult and unpopular to do so (OECD, 2006). As the PWC article and others (Schur, Berk, and Yegian, 2004) noted, the pressure of lower available financing in the face of rising health care costs and prices in the last decade, and the unwillingness of people (including the government) to pay for them indefinitely, are dangers that threaten our future in three ways. And third, our nation and our government will continue to find it a challenge to balance the costs of maintaining an aging population and a dwindling youth population exposed to more serious sicknesses. These are the challenges facing our health care organization. ... These are the challenges facing our health care organization. Unless we make some changes to cope with these challenges that are partly the effects of health care finance trends, we may not survive as a business. We therefore need strategic thinking to guide our organization, our services, and myself, in the next three to five years. Our organization must learn to manage costs, and invest funds in modern equipment and the training of people to continue improving our productivity, making the hospital sustainable. We need to make sure our health care services meet high quality standards without the costs going up too high, so we can continue to charge affordable prices. We also need to start thinking of ethical issues, like "do we provide the care that is needed and requested, or do we limit ourselves to what is financially covered by health insurance" Everyone from management to the youngest employee has to be prepared to face these challenges. The impact of future trends in health care finance affects all providers in different ways, and in the not-for-profit Catholic hospital where I work the issues we need to be prepared for will range from the medical and financial to the ethical and moral. Some Detailed Considerations I am a registered nurse who manages a Same Day Surgery unit in the hospital as part of my job working for the SSM Network, which has as its mission to provide exceptional health care services driven by core values consistent with our organization's heritage and priorities. We are known for our commitment to quality care - we won the Baldridge Quality Award in 2002, an accomplishment that reflects an exceptional

Monday, November 18, 2019

The novel Farewell, My Lovely Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The novel Farewell, My Lovely - Essay Example From the very beginning, the main character, Philip Marlowe does to Los Angeles. His journey leads him from the bottom to the top class of Los Angeles society, whose problems he denounces in sharp tones. Marlowe visits the home of a Southern California "psychic consultant" and a private house that is really a hideout for criminals. Marlowe disrespects himself as he is forced to do offensive things in the line of duty. One day, he has to make dead drunk an alcoholic widow to know more information from her, and at another case "he had picked a poor man's pocket," when he is discovered by a Mr. Grayle just as he is about to kiss the elderly gentleman's wife. He takes care of Marriott and tries to protect her from the outside world. One day, he investigates that Velma and Mrs. Grayle is the same person. Marlowe investigates that this woman killed Marriott. At the end of the story, she kills Malloy and commits suicide to avoid punishment. Chandler creates a strong and sympathetic character of Marlowe able to protect himself and fund truth. A detective element is particularly effective in the way that it resonates with the text's overall treatment of issues. The society recognizes that individual preferences can vary widely, and all behavior is openly tolerated as long as it is consensual for all participants. Plurality is again the keynote. If the dramatic context of the crime -cycle provided the essential clue for the interpretation of evil and suffering, the solidity and permanence of that context was responsible for the unshakeable conventions which governed the expression of suffering and evil. "I stood there and thought that if I lived in the house, I would sooner or later have to climb up there and help him. He didn't seem to be really trying" (Chandler 87). Chandler's vision of social problems is a place of diversity and change and is specifically presented as a preferable alternative to the consolation of pro blems. The specific tone of this selfconsciousness, along with the book's indeterminate message, also identifies The strain of lyric lament, however, is not a characteristic of the speeches given to evil figures, whose mode of suffering is wrathful or desperate, but it does characterize the innocent sufferers. The character of Marlowe can be seen as a moral center of the novel. Within its transparently didactic framework, the personifications of vices and virtues contend for the allegiance of the central figure or figures that represent man. The characteristic plot is a contest, and its characteristic movement is from the seduction of mankind by vice to the salvation of mankind by virtue and repentance. The fundamental issue of morality is thus always the same, and it is by definition a highly serious one; the fundamental evil involved, sin in one or another of its particular forms, is also always the same, and just as serious. But the dramaturgical expression of the issue and the evil, drawing from the heritage of the crime novel, combined both moral gravity and comic effect; the comedy of evil persisted along with the allegory of evil; like the allegory, it found its support and basis in the doctrinal and homiletic formulation which was responsible for the morality tradition The crime scene of the story is a complex one which consists of several sub-scenes. The first sub-scene reveals true identity of Velma and Mrs. Grayle, the second one depicts that she kills

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Environmental Ethical Issues And Air Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay

Environmental Ethical Issues And Air Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay Environmental ethics is the ethical relationship between people and the environment in which we live. There are many ethical issues and decisions that people make, within the respect of the environment. Environmental quality is necessary for human life. People rebuild their environments every day. The environment is filled with artifacts, soil, air, water, and the different climates. Culture and nature all play a special role to the environment. (pg. 518 ethical issues). One of the environmental issues that most attracted my concern is air pollution. Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm to people and other living organisms, or damages the natural environment into the atmosphere. Air pollution is one of the significant causes of health problems all over the world. Outdoor environments contain infections, allergens, irritants, and chemical toxins. Every time we breathe, we risk inhaling dangerous chemicals that are in the air. Air pollution; have found their way into the atmosphere. These can harm the quality of life and cause many diseases. Pollution is inhaled by the throat, nose, and lungs. These pollutants enter the body and cause infections, such as; colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, and the lists go on and on. Air pollutants can be natural or human-based. Some of the natural pollutants are by natural gases that are released from the atmosphere. Human-based pollutants are from smoke from factories, carbon dioxide, and molds. Pollutants can be found outdoors and indoors. These pollutants can be trapped in buildings, houses and not even know they are there and most are odorless. Indoor air quality is a lack of ventilation indoors concentrates air pollution where people often spend the majority of their time. Radon gas, a carcinogen, is from the Earth in certain locations and trapped inside houses. Building materials including carpeting and plywood emit formaldehyde gas. Paint and solvents give off organic compounds as they dry. Lead paint can degenerate into dust and be inhaled. Intentional air pollution is introduced with the use of air fresheners, incense, and other scented items. Controlled wood fires in stoves and fireplaces can add significant amounts of smoke particulates into the air, inside and out. Indoor pollution may be caused by using pesticides and other chemical sprays indoors without proper ventilation. The World Health Organization states that 2.4 million people die each year from causes directly attributable to air pollution, with 1.5 million of these deaths due to indoor air pollution. Studies suggest that more than 500,000 Americans die each year from cardiopulmonary disease due to breathing fine particle air pollution (EPA). The health effects caused by air pollutants may range from biochemical and physiological changes to difficulty in breathing, wheezing, coughing and aggravation of existing respiratory and cardiac conditions. These effects can result in increased medication use, increased doctor or emergency room visits, hospital admissions and premature death. The effects of poor air quality are far reaching, but affect the bodys respiratory system and cardiovascular system. Reactions to air pollutants depend on the type of pollutant a person is exposed to, how bad the exposure is, a persons health status and their genetic genes. Why is air pollution dangerous? Health reasons: pollution has been linked to numerous types of illnesses, such as, strokes, heart disease, and breathing problems. 2) Global warming: air pollution is responsible for global warming. This leads to gradual, but persistent increase of the temperature of our planet. It affects ecosystems as well as the atmosphere. 3) Ozone layer: air pollution causes the ozone layer to shrink, reducing its ability to protect us from ultraviolet radiation. This not only causes skin cancer, but will also damage wildlife and plants. 4) Acid rain: certain pollutants can cause rain to turn to acid rain. This also has an impact on animals, fish, and plants that are soaked in the rain. Acid rain can also affect the ground making the soil toxic to many plants and animals. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), there are six common air pollutants, and are found all over the United States. These are ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, lead, and particulate matter (also known as particle pollution). These all can harm your health and the environment, and also cause property damage. Of the six pollutants, particle pollution and ground ozone are the biggest health threats.(EPA) For each of the pollutants, (EPA) tracks two kinds of air pollution trends: air concentrations based on actual measurements of pollutant concentrations in the outside air at selected monitoring sites throughout the country, and emissions based on engineering estimates of the total tons of air pollutants released each year. Despite the progress made in the last thirty years, millions of people live in the countries with monitor data showing unhealthy air for one or more of the six common air pollutants. For (EPA) most recent evaluation of air pollution trends for these six pollutions. Another form of air pollution is caused from industrial farms. Confined animal feeding operations pollute the air in many ways, letting off foul odors, airborne particles, greenhouse gases, and numerous toxic chemicals. In the United States, industrial farms are the leading producers of substances such as nitrous oxide, and ammonia. US farms produce more than 400 different gases, in addition to dust and airborne particles, generated during the handling and disposal of manure. Air pollution from industrial farms can cause a lot of health problems in agricultural workers, in residents of neighboring communities, and in farm animals. Many industrial farms do little or nothing in this regard. People that live near hog farms often have increased respiratory problems. A number of studies have demonstrated that fatigue, depression, and mood disturbances occur in higher proportions in people living near such facilities. An environmental effect, of air pollution from farms directly affects, the environment, through the production of nitrogen and some of the greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. About 80% of the U.S. ammonia emissions came from livestock manure. (EPA) Atmospheric ammonia and nitric oxide-both produced on farms, contribute to what is known as the nitrogen cascade, in which each ammonia molecule can in sequence, impact atmospheric visibility, soil acidity, forest productivity, terrestrial ecosystem biodiversity, stream acidity, and coastal productivity (National Academy of Sciences, retrieved 8/22). Conclusion: The only logical solution is that everybody needs to find a way to reduce air pollution in the hope that eventually, someday, is eliminated.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Reasoning and Communication Essay -- Communication

REASONING AND COMMUNICATION The word reasoning comes from the sense of the mind which is closely related to critical thinking. Reasoning can be expressed as the way of making a decision or deciding if a proposed claim is true, partly true, totally untrue or false. Reasoning is an important aspect of our daily life for survival, in educational institutions and in our professions. Reasoning is essential for progression from kindergarten school level to a graduate school level. The definition and meaning are much debated by many educators, but having in these few meanings, It is described as "the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication as a guide to belief and action. More recently, critical thinking has been described as the process of purposeful, self-regulatory judgment, which uses reasoned consideration of evidence, context, conceptualizations, methods, and criteria. Reasoning is attached to analytic philosophy and pragmatist constructivism dated back to more than 2,000 years ago, then in the Buddha’s lectures and in the Greek Socratic tradition. Reasoning is used to determine so many issues, it sets goals, to determine assumptions, and dig out buried values, to check out and determine evidence, and to assess conclusions. Reasoning helps formulate a solution and also create a desk to critical and complex problems, finding the solution within the mind, what the next action to take, analyzing and synchronizing the best and most quality methods of approach. Reasoning and Critical thinking are related terms. Richard Paul in 1995 articula... ...M., Mericle J., Frush K., Meliones J. (2008). Using Six Sigma Methodology to Improve Handoff Communication in High Risk Patients. In: Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and Alternative Approaches. Vol. 3. Performance and Tools. AHRQ Publication No. 08-0034-3. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; August 2008. Ruggerio, V.R., "Neglected Issues in the Field of Critical Thinking" in Fasko, D. Critical Thinking and Reasoning: Current Research, Theory, and Practice (2003). ISBN 978-1-57273-460-9 Schramm, W. (1954). How communication works. In W. Schramm (Ed.), The process and effects of communication (pp. 3-26). Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press. "So We Need Something Else for Reason to Mean", International Journal of Philosophical Studies 8: 3, 271 — 295. The Origins of the Modern Mind p. 173 see also A Mind So Rare p. 140-1